List of Saints sorted by Virtue

Saints and Virtues

Scroll down to a Virtue that interests you, and find Saints who were good examples of these Virtues.


 Circumspection: 

Bl. Miguel Pro

St. John Baptist de la Salle

St. Jane Frances de Chantal, St.

Edmund Campion.

 Docility: 

St. Dominic Savio

St. Juan Diego

Sts. Francisco & Jacinta Marto,

St. Miguel Febres Cordero.

 Foresight: 

St. John Bosco, 

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, 

St. Gregory the Great



St. Fabiola, 

St. Martin of Tours, 

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, 


St. Paulinus of Nola,

St. Nicholas, 

St. Rose of Lima, 

St. Vincent de Paul.


St. Dominic, 

St. Catherine of Siena, 

Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, 

St. Hildegard of Bingen.


Bl. Anna Maria Taigi, 

St. Damien of Molokai

St. Frances of Rome

St. Catherine of Alexandria.


 Magnanimity: 

St. Philip Neri, 

St. Louis de Montfort

St. Paul Miki

St. Turibius of Mongrovejo.

 Patience: 

St. Teresa of Calcutta, 

St. Alphonsus Liguori

St. Gianna Molla, 

St. Athanasius.

 Perseverance: 

St. Maria Venegas de la Torre

St. Monica.


 Humility: 

St. Bernadette Soubirous, 

St. Bonaventure

St. Joseph of Cupertino

St. Gemma Galgani

 Orderliness: 

St. Benedict, 

Bl. Humbert of Romans, 

St. Raymond of Penafort, 

St. Albert the Great.

 Self-control: 

St. Perpetua, 

Bl. Charles de Foucauld, 

St. Kateri Tekakwitha
