Countdown to Confirmation


To help you refer more easily, here is a summary of the dates. Parents are involved on the dates in bold

Sun 7 May - Feast Day (come support your teens at Dunking Station)

Sun 14 May - Catechesis

Sat 20 May 9.30-11am - Parent Preparation Session

Please register here for either one or both parents, or a godparent or other adult relative

Sun 21 May - Catechesis

Thu 25/Fri 265 May nights - Interviews with our Parish Priest (for parents and teens)

Sun 28 May - No Catechesis, start of School Holidays

Thu 22 - Sun 25 June Confirmation Retreat

Sun 2 July - Confirmation

Sat 8 July - Sun 20 Aug - Post Confirmation Activities by Kanektas
